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Interface CircleStyle

Interface for configuring the visual appearance of Circles.


  • CircleStyle



Optional alignment

alignment: "map" | "viewport" | StyleValueFunction<string> | StyleZoomRange<string>

Alignment for styles of type "Circle". Possible values are: "map" and "viewport". "map" aligns to the plane of the map and "viewport" aligns to the plane of the viewport/screen. Default alignment for Text based on point geometries is "viewport" while "map" is the default for line geometries.

Optional altitude

altitude: number | boolean | StyleValueFunction<number | boolean> | StyleZoomRange<number | boolean>

The altitude of the style in meters. The altitude defines the distance in the vertical direction between the ground plane at 0 meters and the geometry/style. If altitude is set to true, the altitude from the feature's geometry coordinates will be used automatically. If a number is set for altitude, the altitude of the feature's geometry is ignored and the value of "altitude" is used instead. The height must be defined in meters.




Optional anchor

anchor: "Line" | "Coordinate" | "Centroid"

Sets the anchor point for styles of type "Circle" when used with Line or Polygon geometry.

Possible values for Line geometry are "Coordinate" and "Line".

  • "Coordinate": the respective style is displayed at each coordinate of the polyline.
  • "Line": the respective style is displayed on the shape of the polyline when there is enough space. See checkLineSpace to disable the space check.

Possible values for Polygon geometry are "Center" and "Centroid".

  • "Center": the center of the bounding box of the polygon.
  • "Centroid": the geometric centroid of the polygon geometry.

For Polygon geometry the default is "Center". For Line geometry the default is "Coordinate".

Optional checkLineSpace

checkLineSpace: boolean

Enable or disable the space check for point styles on line geometries. Only applies to "Circle" styles with anchor set to "Line". If check checkLineSpace is enabled the respective style is only displayed if there is enough space on the line, otherwise it is not displayed.



Optional collide

collide: boolean | StyleValueFunction<boolean> | StyleZoomRange<boolean>

Enable or disable collision detection. If the collision detection is enabled for multiple Styles within the same StyleGroup, the respective Styles are handled as a single Object ("CollisionGroup") where the combined bounding-box is determined automatically.

  • true: collision are allowed, Collision detection is disabled.
  • false: avoid collisions, Collision detection is enabled.


Optional collisionGroup

collisionGroup: string | StyleValueFunction<string> | StyleZoomRange<string>

Enables collision detection and combines all styles of a StyleGroup with the same "CollisionGroup" into a single logical object for collision detection.

Optional fill

Sets the color to fill the Circle.


Color for a detailed list of possible supported formats.

Optional offsetX

offsetX: number | string | StyleValueFunction<number | string> | StyleZoomRange<number | string>

Offset the Circle in pixels on x-axis. A positive value offsets to the right, a negative value to the left. The default unit is pixels.

// offset Circle by 1m to the left
{ type: "Circle", zIndex: 0, fill:'blue', radius: 4, offsetX: "-1m"}

Optional offsetY

offsetY: number | StyleValueFunction<number> | StyleZoomRange<number>

Offset the Circle in pixels on y-axis. A positive value offsetY offsets downwards, a negative value upwards. The default unit is pixels.

// offset Circle by 1m to the top
{ type: "Circle", zIndex: 0, fill:'blue', radius: 4, offsetY: "-1m"}

Optional offsetZ

offsetZ: number | string | StyleValueFunction<number | string> | StyleZoomRange<number | string>

Offset the Circle in pixels on z-axis. A positive value offsets up, a negative value down. The default unit is pixels.

// offset Circle by 1m to the top
{ type: "Circle", zIndex: 0, fill:'blue', radius: 4, offsetZ: "1m"}

Optional opacity

opacity: number | StyleValueFunction<number> | StyleZoomRange<number>

Defines the opacity of the style. The value must be between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). It is valid for all style types.




radius: number | StyleValueFunction<number> | StyleZoomRange<number>

The Radius of the Circle. The default unit is pixels. To define the radius of a Circle in meters a string can be used: "${width}m".

// define a Circle with a radius of 1 meter
    zIndex: 0,
    type: "Circle",
    fill: "red",
    radius: "1m"
// define a Circle with a radius of 16 pixel
    zIndex: 0,
    type: "Circle",
    fill: "red",
    radius: 16

Optional repeat

repeat: number | StyleValueFunction<number> | StyleZoomRange<number>

Minimum distance in pixels between repeated style-groups on line geometries. Applies per tile only.


256 (pixels)

Optional scaleByAltitude

scaleByAltitude: boolean | StyleValueFunction<boolean> | StyleZoomRange<boolean>

Scales the size of a style based on the feature's altitude. If it's enabled (true), features closer to the camera will be drawn larger than those farther away. When off (false), the size of the style is always the same size, regardless of its actual altitude, as if it were placed on the ground (altitude 0). This attribute applies to styles of type "Rect", "Image", "Text", "Circle", "Line", "Box", or "Sphere" whose size (width, radius, strokeWidth) that are using "map" alignment only. If the size attribute is defined in meters, scaleByAltitude is enabled by default, for pixels it is disabled.


false (pixels), true (meters)


Optional stroke

Sets the stroke color of the Circle.


Color for a detailed list of possible supported formats.

Optional strokeWidth

strokeWidth: number | string | StyleValueFunction<number | number> | StyleZoomRange<string | number>

Sets the width of the stroke. The unit of strokeWidth is defined in pixels.

// define a Circle that has a strokeWidth of 2 pixels
    zIndex: 0,
    type: "Circle",
    stroke: "blue",
    strokeWidth: 2,
    radius: "1m"


type: "Circle"

Specifies the type of style to render.


zIndex: number | StyleValueFunction<number> | StyleZoomRange<number>

Indicates the drawing order within a layer. Styles with larger zIndex value are rendered above those with smaller values. The zIndex is defined relative to the "zLayer" property. If "zLayer" is defined all zIndex values are relative to the "zLayer" value.

Optional zLayer

zLayer: number | StyleValueFunction<number>

Indicates drawing order across multiple layers. Styles using zLayer with a high value are rendered on top of zLayers with a low value. If no zLayer is defined the zLayer depends on the display layer order. The first (lowest) layer has a zLayer value of 1.


{...zLayer: 2, zIndex: 5} will be rendered on top of {...zLayer: 1, zIndex: 10}

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