Bounding box of the feature. The value of the bbox member is an array of length 4, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The "bbox" values define shapes with edges that follow lines of constant longitude and latitude.
The feature class of an NavlinkShape Feature is "NAVLINK_SHAPE".
A geometry is a object where the type member's value is one of: "Point", "MultiPoint", "LineString", "MultiLineString", "Polygon" or "MultiPolygon". A geometry object must have a member with the name "coordinates". The value of the coordinates member is always an array (referred to as the coordinates array below). The structure for the elements in this array are determined by the type of geometry.
For type "Point", each element in the coordinates array is a number representing the point coordinate in one dimension. There must be at least two elements, and may be more. The order of elements must follow x, y, z order (or longitude, latitude, altitude for coordinates in a geographic coordinate reference system).
For type "MultiPoint", each element in the coordinates array is a coordinates array as described for type "Point".
For type "LineString", each element in the coordinates array is a coordinates array as described for type "Point". The coordinates array for a LineString must have two or more elements. A LinearRing is a special case of type LineString where the first and last elements in the coordinates array are equivalent (they represent equivalent points). Though a LinearRing is not explicitly represented as a geometry type, it is referred to in the Polygon geometry type definition.
For type "MultiLineString", each element in the coordinates array is a coordinates array as described for type "LineString".
For type "Polygon", each element in the coordinates array is a coordinates array as described for type "LineString". Furthermore, each LineString in the coordinates array must be a LinearRing. For Polygons with multiple LinearRings, the first must be the exterior ring and any others must be interior rings or holes.
For type "MultiPolygon", each element in the coordinates array is a coordinates array as described for type "Polygon".
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [100.0, 0.0]
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ]
id of the feature.
The properties associated with the feature.
The type of the feature is a string with 'Feature' as its value.
Set the behavior options.
The drag axis across which the LineShape is dragged upon user interaction. Once "dragAxis" is set, "dragPlane" has no effect. In case "dragAxis" and "dragPlane" are set, "dragPlane" is preferred. In case "dragPlane" and "dragAxis" are both set, "dragPlane" is preferred.
The normal of the plane over which the LineShape is dragged upon user interaction. Once "dragPlane" is set, "dragAxis" has no effect.
Set the value of a specific behavior option.
Get the value of a specific behavior option.
Get the behavior options.
The drag axis across which the marker is dragged upon user interaction.
The normal of the plane over which the marker is dragged upon user interaction.
Disconnect the Navlink from other connected Navlink features at this shape point. The Intersection is resolved by moving the position of the shape(node).
Show the turn restrictions of the shape and enable editing of the turn-restrictions. Turn restrictions are only available if the shape is a node (start or end point) and part of an intersection with other Navlink features involved.
Get an array of Navlink features that are connected to this shape point. Navlinks are "connected" with each other if they share the same coordinate location of start or end shape-point.
An array of Navlink Features with coordinates located at the same position as the shape.
Get the index of the shape point in the coordinates array of the respective Navlink feature.
The index of the shape point.
Get the Navlink feature to which the NavlinkShape belongs.
the Navlink
Get The FeatureProvider where the Feature is stored in.
Checks if shape is start or end shape (Node) of the Navlink feature.
true if its start or end shape (Node), otherwise false
Checks if shape is overlapping with an existing shape/coordinate of another Navlink feature.
true if it overlaps with another shape, false otherwise.
Will return true or false whether the Shape is currently selected.
Removes the shape point from the geometry of the Navlink feature.
Select the NavlinkShape add it to the current selection. Multiple NavlinkShape can be selected at the same time. When a selected shape is dragged, all other shapes in the current selection are dragged as well.
Splits the Navlink at the position of the NavlinkShape into two new "child" Navlinks. The coordinate of the NavlinkShape will be the start and end positions of the resulting Navlinks. The "parent" Navlink itself gets deleted after the split operation is done.
let links = shapePoint.splitLink();
An array containing the two newly created Navlink features.
Get the Feature as a JSON Object.
Unselect the NavlinkShape and remove from current selection.
Generated using TypeDoc
The NavlinkShape represents a shape-point / coordinate of a Navlink feature. The NavlinkShape is only existing if the corresponding Navlink feature is "selected" and user based geometry editing with touch/mouse interaction is activated.