Bounding box of the feature. The value of the bbox member is an array of length 4, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The "bbox" values define shapes with edges that follow lines of constant longitude and latitude.
The feature class of an Address Feature is "ADDRESS".
A geometry is a object where the type member's value is one of: "Point", "MultiPoint", "LineString", "MultiLineString", "Polygon" or "MultiPolygon". A geometry object must have a member with the name "coordinates". The value of the coordinates member is always an array (referred to as the coordinates array below). The structure for the elements in this array are determined by the type of geometry.
For type "Point", each element in the coordinates array is a number representing the point coordinate in one dimension. There must be at least two elements, and may be more. The order of elements must follow x, y, z order (or longitude, latitude, altitude for coordinates in a geographic coordinate reference system).
For type "MultiPoint", each element in the coordinates array is a coordinates array as described for type "Point".
For type "LineString", each element in the coordinates array is a coordinates array as described for type "Point". The coordinates array for a LineString must have two or more elements. A LinearRing is a special case of type LineString where the first and last elements in the coordinates array are equivalent (they represent equivalent points). Though a LinearRing is not explicitly represented as a geometry type, it is referred to in the Polygon geometry type definition.
For type "MultiLineString", each element in the coordinates array is a coordinates array as described for type "LineString".
For type "Polygon", each element in the coordinates array is a coordinates array as described for type "LineString". Furthermore, each LineString in the coordinates array must be a LinearRing. For Polygons with multiple LinearRings, the first must be the exterior ring and any others must be interior rings or holes.
For type "MultiPolygon", each element in the coordinates array is a coordinates array as described for type "Polygon".
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [100.0, 0.0]
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ]
id of the feature.
The Properties of the feature
The type of the feature is a string with 'Feature' as its value.
Set the behavior options.
The drag axis across which the marker is dragged upon user interaction. Once "dragAxis" is set, "dragPlane" has no effect. In case "dragAxis" and "dragPlane" are set, "dragPlane" is preferred. In case "dragPlane" and "dragAxis" are both set, "dragPlane" is preferred.
The normal of the plane over which the marker is dragged upon user interaction. Once "dragPlane" is set, "dragAxis" has no effect.
Set the value of a specific behavior option.
Get the value of a specific behavior option.
Get the behavior options.
The drag axis across which the marker is dragged upon user interaction.
The normal of the plane over which the marker is dragged upon user interaction.
Get the coordinate(s) of the feature.
Set the coordinate(s) of the feature.
Get a specific EditState of the feature.
the "EditState" to retrieve its value.
the value of the respective "EditState".
Define if the feature should be editable by the Editor module or not.
True, the feature can be edited, otherwise false.
Get the Navlink Feature that the feature is linked to/ associated with.
The Navlink Feature or null if the feature is not linked to a Navlink (floating).
Get The FeatureProvider where the Feature is stored in.
Get a deep copy of the properties of the feature
Get the value of a specific property
name of the property
the value of the specific property
Set the value for a specific property
name of the property
the value that should be set for the property
Set one or more properties of the object.
the properties object literal that should be merged with the existing properties.
Remove the feature.
Select and highlight the feature. Selected features geometry is displayed and can easily be modified by mouse/touch interaction.
Get default or current style of the feature.
indicates which style to return. "default" -> layer default style for the feature or the "current" applied style.
the style of the feature
Apply style to the feature.
the style to set for the feature
Get the Feature as a JSON Object.
Enable Transform Utility to allow easy geometry transformation of the feature (move/scale/rotate) by mouse/touch interaction.
Unselect the feature.
Generated using TypeDoc
The Address Feature is a generic editable Feature with "Point" geometry. In addition to the Marker Feature, the Place feature must have a "routing point" located on a Navlink geometry. A Address must be linked/associated with a Navlink Feature.
The Feature can be edited with the Editor.