options to configure the CustomLayer
The identifier of the Layer.
maximum zoom level at which data from the Layer will be displayed.
minimum zoom level at which data from the Layer is displayed.
The name of the Layer
Options to configure the renderer.
The used rendering mode. Use '2d' for traditional flat map layers that are located on the ground-plane, otherwise '3d'.
Indicates the drawing order within the layer. Styles with larger zIndex value are rendered above those with smaller values. The zIndex is defined relative to the "zLayer" property. If "zLayer" is defined all zIndex values are relative to the "zLayer" value.
Indicates drawing order across multiple layers. Styles using zLayer with a high value are rendered on top of zLayers with a low value. If no zLayer is defined the zLayer depends on the display layer order. The first (lowest) layer has a zLayer value of 1.
Checks whether the xyz-maps tile layer is currently visible.
if the layer is visible, otherwise false
.Event Listener that will be called when the layer is added to the display.
Event of type "layerAdd"
Event Listener that will be called when the layer is removed from the display.
Event of type "layerRemove"
The render function will be called each frame. It enables seamless drawing into the rendering context of the map. The context states are correctly set already to allow "simple" drawing at the respective zIndex/zLayer. The camera matrix projects from the world coordinate system (WebMercator projected, topLeft [0,0] -> bottomRight [1,1]) to the clipspace.
the rendering context of the map.
the camera matrix of the map.
Sets the visibility of the Layer.
This function controls whether the tile layer is currently displayed or hidden.
Generated using TypeDoc
The CustomLayer can be used to integrate custom renderers to the map display.