  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Describes the configuration of the catalog including its layer definitions.


  • CreateCatalog



automaticVersionDeletion?: AutomaticVersionDeletion
description: string

A detailed description of the catalog and what it contains. This information appears on the 'Overview' tab when you open a catalog in the platform portal.

id: string

The ID to use when referring to this catalog programmatically. Catalog IDs must be unique across all catalogs in the HERE platform. Do not put private information in the catalog ID. The catalog ID forms a portion of the catalog's HERE Resource Name (HRN), and HRNs are visible to other users. Only lowercase alphanumeric characters (a-z), digits (0-9) and dash (-) are allowed in a catalog ID.

The layers in the catalog

name: string

The short name for the catalog.

notifications?: Notifications
replication?: Replication
summary: string

A one-sentence summary of the catalog. You can see this summary when you browse a list of catalogs on the platform portal.

tags?: Tags

Some keywords that help to find the catalog when searching in the platform portal.

version?: number

The version of the catalog configuration. Every change in this number indicates change in catalog configuration. Examples of changes in catalog configuration include changing catalog parameters and adding layers. Note that the catalog configuration version is not the same as the metadata/data version. Configuration and metadata versions are independent of each other and indicate different kinds of changes.

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