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Details about the realm member. The provided fields are dependent on the entityType as provided. User: userId, userHrn, realm, firstname, lastname, email, roles, state. App: clientId, clientHrn, realm, name, description, roles, ownerId, ownerHrn, defaultScope, isRestrictedScope, appCreationEnabled.




appCreationEnabled?: boolean

If true, the app can create apps.

clientHrn?: string

HRN for the client/application.

clientId?: string

Identifier for the client/application.

defaultScope?: string

The default value for the "scope" parameter when requesting a client_credentials OAuth2 token. if no "scope" parameter is specified.

description?: string

Prose description of the client.

email?: string

Email address of the user. Only included if entityType is user.

firstname?: string

The first name of the user. Only included if entityType is user.

isRestrictedScope?: boolean

If true, the app cannot request a token with a scope different from defaultScope.

lastname?: string

The lastname of the user. Only included if entityType is user.

name?: string

Human readable name of the client.

ownerHrn?: string

The hrn of the user that owns this client.

ownerId?: string

The id of the user that owns this client.

realm?: string

A realm to which app belongs to.

roles?: string[]

A list of roles assigned to the member. Each entry in the list will be equal to the 'name' of the role.

state?: "deleted" | "disabled" | "locked" | "enabled"

The status of this user.

userHrn?: string

The HRN of the user.

userId?: string

The unique identifier of the user.

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