If true, the app can create apps.
HRN for the client/application.
Identifier for the client/application.
The default value for the "scope" parameter when requesting a client_credentials OAuth2 token. if no "scope" parameter is specified.
Prose description of the client.
Email address of the user. Only included if entityType is user.
The first name of the user. Only included if entityType is user.
If true, the app cannot request a token with a scope different from defaultScope.
The lastname of the user. Only included if entityType is user.
Human readable name of the client.
The hrn of the user that owns this client.
The id of the user that owns this client.
A realm to which app belongs to.
A list of roles assigned to the member. Each entry in the list will be equal to the 'name' of the role.
The status of this user.
The HRN of the user.
The unique identifier of the user.
Generated using TypeDoc
Details about the realm member. The provided fields are dependent on the entityType as provided. User: userId, userHrn, realm, firstname, lastname, email, roles, state. App: clientId, clientHrn, realm, name, description, roles, ownerId, ownerHrn, defaultScope, isRestrictedScope, appCreationEnabled.