olp-cpp-sdk  1.22.0
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations
olp::authentication Namespace Reference

Holds all authentication-related classes. More...


class  AppleSignInProperties
 The Apple sign-in properties. More...
class  AuthenticationClient
 Provides programmatic access to the HERE Account Authentication Service. More...
class  AuthenticationCredentials
 The access key ID and access key secret that you got from the HERE Account as a part of the onboarding or support process on the developer portal. More...
struct  AuthenticationSettings
 Configures the TokenEndpoint instance. More...
class  AuthorizeRequest
 Encapsulates the fields required to make a policy decision for a given request context against the HERE Service. More...
class  Permission
 Represents the permission with the action, policy decision, and associated resource. More...
class  ActionResult
 Represents each action-resource pair response with an individual policy decision for that action: DENY or ALLOW. More...
class  AuthorizeResult
 Represents the policy decision for a given request context against the HERE Service. More...
class  Crypto
 The cryptographic algoritms used by the library. More...
struct  ErrorResponse
 Detailed descriptions of errors returned as a response to an authentication operation. More...
struct  ErrorField
 An input field error. More...
class  IntrospectAppResult
 A response to a client or user introspect application operation. More...
struct  Settings
 Configures the TokenEndpoint instance. More...
class  SignInResult
 A response to a client or user sign-in operation. More...
class  SignInUserResult
 A response to your sign-in operation. More...
class  SignOutResult
 A response to your sign-out operation. More...
class  SignUpResult
 A response to the sign-up operation with your HERE Account user ID. More...
class  TokenProvider
 Provides the authentication tokens if the HERE platform user credentials are valid. More...
class  TokenResult
 A parsed response received from the OAuth2.0 token endpoint. More...


using ErrorFields = std::list< ErrorField >
 The list of the ErrorField objects.
using TokenProviderDefault = TokenProvider< kDefaultMinimumValidity >
template<typename ResultType >
using Response = client::ApiResponse< ResultType, client::ApiError >
 The response template type.
template<typename ResultType >
using Callback = std::function< void(Response< ResultType >)>
 The callback template type.
using IntrospectAppResponse = Response< IntrospectAppResult >
 Defines the callback signature when the user request is completed.
using IntrospectAppCallback = Callback< IntrospectAppResult >
 Called when the user introspect app request is completed.
using AuthorizeResponse = Response< AuthorizeResult >
 The decision API response alias.
using AuthorizeCallback = Callback< AuthorizeResult >
 Called when the user decision request is completed.
using UserAccountInfoResponse = Response< model::UserAccountInfoResponse >
 The UserAccountInfoResponse response alias.
using UserAccountInfoCallback = Callback< model::UserAccountInfoResponse >
 Called when the get user account request is completed.
using TokenResponse = Response< TokenResult >
 The access token response type.


enum class  DecisionType { kAllow , kDeny }
 Represents a policy decision: DENY or ALLOW.

Detailed Description

Holds all authentication-related classes.

Typedef Documentation

◆ TokenProviderDefault

using olp::authentication::TokenProviderDefault = typedef TokenProvider<kDefaultMinimumValidity>

Provides the authentication tokens using the default minimum token validity.