Colp::authentication::ActionResult | Represents each action-resource pair response with an individual policy decision for that action: DENY or ALLOW |
Colp::dataservice::read::AggregatedDataResult | Represents the result of a aggregated data operation |
Colp::math::AlignedBox< T, N > | The aligned bounding-box implementation |
Colp::client::Api | The API Services provided by the HERE platform |
Colp::client::ApiError | A wrapper around an internal error or HTTP status code |
Colp::client::ApiLookupClient | A client for API lookup requests |
Colp::client::ApiLookupSettings | Settings to provide URLs for API lookup requests |
Colp::client::ApiNoResult | Used when ApiResponse does not contain result data |
Colp::logging::Configuration::AppenderWithLogLevel | Contains an appender and its log level |
Colp::authentication::AppleSignInProperties | The Apple sign-in properties |
Colp::thread::internal::AsyncResultTypeImpl< Callable > | Declares the type of a callable with two parameters |
Colp::thread::Atomic< Type, MutexType, ReadLockType > | A simple atomic wrapper |
Colp::authentication::AuthenticationClient | Provides programmatic access to the HERE Account Authentication Service |
Colp::authentication::AuthenticationCredentials | The access key ID and access key secret that you got from the HERE Account as a part of the onboarding or support process on the developer portal |
Colp::authentication::AuthenticationSettings | Configures the TokenEndpoint instance |
Colp::client::AuthenticationSettings | A set of settings that manages the TokenProviderCallback and TokenProviderCancelCallback functions |
Colp::authentication::AuthorizeRequest | Encapsulates the fields required to make a policy decision for a given request context against the HERE Service |
Colp::authentication::AuthorizeResult | Represents the policy decision for a given request context against the HERE Service |
Colp::utils::CacheCost< T > | The default cost operator for LruCache |
Colp::utils::CacheCost< Value > | |
Colp::cache::CacheSettings | Settings for memory and disk caching |
Colp::client::CancellableFuture< T > | A wrapper template that you can use to cancel a request or wait for it to finalize |
Colp::client::CancellationContext | A wrapper that manages the cancellation state of an asynchronous operation in a thread-safe way |
Colp::client::CancellationContextHash | A helper for unordered containers |
Colp::client::CancellationToken | Cancels service requests |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::Catalog | A model that represents a catalog |
Colp::dataservice::read::CatalogClient | Provides a high-level interface to access data hosted on OLP using the Data API |
Colp::dataservice::read::CatalogRequest | Encapsulates the fields required to request catalog configuration |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::CatalogVersion | Represents catalog with the version |
Colp::dataservice::read::CatalogVersionRequest | Encapsulates the fields required to request catalog configuration |
Colp::http::CertificateSettings | Settings for custom network certificate |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::CheckDataExistsRequest | Checks whether data is present in a layer |
Colp::dataservice::read::CompatibleVersionsRequest | Contains fields required to request compatible versions for the given catalog |
Colp::client::Condition | A helper class that allows one thread to call and wait for a notification in the other thread |
Colp::logging::Configuration | Configures appenders and loggers available in the logging system |
Colp::dataservice::read::ConsumerOption | Represents a consumer configuration entry of one stream layer |
Colp::dataservice::read::ConsumerProperties | Holds all Kafka consumer properties that should be passed to the Stream API |
Colp::context::Context | Used only for the Android environment to correctly initialize the NetworkAndroid class |
Colp::thread::Continuation< ResultType > | A generic template for Continuation |
Colp::thread::Continuation< void > | A template for Continuation of the void type |
Colp::thread::internal::ContinuationImpl | Provides mechanisms to create a chain of tasks and start, cancel, and finalize an execution |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::Coverage | Geographic areas that the catalog covers |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::Creator | Contains information on a user or application that initially created the catalog |
Colp::authentication::Crypto | The cryptographic algoritms used by the library |
Colp::dataservice::read::DataRequest | Encapsulates the fields required to request data for the given catalog, layer, and partition |
Colp::thread::internal::DeducedTypeImpl< Callable > | Declares the type of a callable with three parameters |
Colp::client::DefaultLookupEndpointProvider | The default implementation of the lookup API endpoint provider |
Colp::geo::DegreeType | |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::DeleteIndexDataRequest | Deletes index data from an index layer |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::Details | Details of the publication |
Colp::http::Diagnostics | Network request timings |
Colp::utils::Dir | Manages directories |
Colp::geo::EarthConstants | Represents WGS84 Earth's constants |
Colp::logging::MessageFormatter::Element | An element to print out in the final formatted message |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::Encryption | An encryption scheme of the catalog |
Colp::context::EnterBackgroundSubscriber | Used only for the iOS environment to be informed that the application is entering or exiting background |
Colp::client::EqualJitterBackdownStrategy | Computes wait time for the next retry attempt via the exponential backoff with the added jitter |
►Colp::authentication::ErrorResponse | Detailed descriptions of errors returned as a response to an authentication operation |
Colp::authentication::ErrorField | An input field error |
Colp::thread::ExecutionContext | Handles the cancellation and final mechanisms |
Colp::client::ExponentialBackdownStrategy | Computes wait time for the next retry attempt via the exponential backoff with the added jitter |
►Cstd::false_type | |
Colp::porting::IsMap< T > | |
Colp::porting::IsUnorderedMap< T > | |
Colp::authentication::AuthenticationClient::FederatedProperties | The federated (Facebook, Google, ArcGIS) sign-in properties structure |
Colp::logging::FilterGroup | Groups together log levels for different tags |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::FlushRequest | Flushes requests in a stream layer |
Colp::logging::FormatBuffer | Attempts to format a string to a buffer before falling back to a dynamically allocated string |
Colp::geo::GeoCoordinates | A geographic location that uses the WGS84 Coordinate System |
Colp::geo::GeoCoordinates3d | Geodetic coordinates with longitude, latitude, and altitude |
Colp::geo::GeoPoint | A geographic location that uses the WGS84 Coordinate System encoded in a 32-bit unsigned integer |
Colp::geo::GeoRectangle | A rectangular area in the WGS84 Coordinate System |
Cstd::hash< olp::geo::TileKey > | The specialization of std::hash |
Colp::client::HRN | Allows a Here Resource Name (HRN) to be passed to the operations that require it |
Colp::client::HttpResponse | This class represents the HTTP response created from the NetworkResponse and the request body |
Colp::http::HttpStatusCode | HTTP status codes, as specified in RFC7231 |
►Colp::logging::IAppender | Appends a message to the log |
Colp::logging::ConsoleAppender | An appender that prints messages to the console |
Colp::logging::DebugAppender | An appender that prints messages to the debug output |
Colp::logging::FileAppender | An appender that prints messages to a file |
►Colp::client::TaskContext::Impl | An implementation helper interface used to declare the Execute , BlockingCancel , and CancelToken functions used by the TaskContext instance |
Colp::client::TaskContext::TaskContextImpl< Response > | Implements the Impl interface |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::Index | Represents the index layer |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::IndexDefinition | A model that represents a definition of an index field |
Colp::dataservice::write::IndexLayerClient | Publishes data to an index layer |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::IndexProperties | A model that represents index properties |
►Colp::dataservice::write::model::IndexValue | Represents values supported by the HERE platform index layer |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::BooleanIndexValue | Represents the index layer of the boolean type |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::EmptyIndexValue | Represents the index layer with an empty index value |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::HereTileIndexValue | Represents the index layer of the HERE tile type |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::IntIndexValue | Represents the index layer of the integer type |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::StringIndexValue | Represents the index layer of the string type |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::TimeWindowIndexValue | Represents the index layer of the time window type |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::UnsupportedIndexValue | Represents values that are not supported by the index layer |
Colp::authentication::IntrospectAppResult | A response to a client or user introspect application operation |
►Colp::geo::IProjection | The identity projection used to work with geographic and world coordinates |
Colp::geo::EquirectangularProjection | The equirectangular (plate carree) projection |
Colp::geo::IdentityProjection | The identity projection used to work with geographic and world coordinates |
Colp::geo::SphereProjection | A projection of geographic coordinates onto a sphere using the Earth radius |
Colp::geo::WebMercatorProjection | The Web Mercator projection |
►Colp::geo::ISubdivisionScheme | An abstract tiling subdivision scheme |
Colp::geo::HalfQuadTreeSubdivisionScheme | A subdivision scheme used to represent half quadtrees |
Colp::geo::QuadTreeSubdivisionScheme | A quadtree subdivision scheme |
►Cstd::iterator | |
Colp::geo::SubTiles::Iterator | The tile key iterator |
►Colp::geo::ITilingScheme | Represents how data is tiled |
Colp::geo::TilingScheme< TSubdivisionScheme, TProjection > | Represents how data is tiled |
Colp::cache::KeyGenerator | Helper class to generate cache keys for different entities |
►Colp::cache::KeyValueCache | An interface for a cache that expects a key-value pair |
Colp::cache::DefaultCache | A default cache that provides a memory LRU cache and persistence of cached key-value pairs |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::Layer | A layer of a catalog |
Colp::logging::Log | A primary interface for log messages |
Colp::logging::LogMessage | Contains data used for a log message |
Colp::utils::LruCache< Key, Value, CacheCostFunc, Compare, Alloc > | A generic key-value LRU cache |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::Message | Represents a message read from a stream layer |
Colp::logging::MessageFormatter | Specifies how messages are formatted |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::Messages | Represents a vector of messages consumed from a stream layer |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::Metadata | Encapsulates information about actual data content |
►Colp::http::Network | An HTTP client abstraction |
Colp::http::HarCaptureAdapter | A network adapter that captures HTTP requests and responses, generating a HAR (HTTP Archive) file |
Colp::http::NetworkInitializationSettings | Settings for network initialization |
Colp::http::NetworkProxySettings | Contains a proxy configuration for the network interface that is applied per request |
Colp::http::NetworkRequest | A network request abstraction for an HTTP request |
Colp::http::NetworkResponse | A network response abstraction for the HTTP request |
Colp::http::NetworkSettings | Contains a configuration for the network |
Colp::client::NetworkStatistics | Network statistics with information on the outbound and inbound trafic during API calls |
Colp::http::NetworkUtils | Network internal utilities |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::Notifications | Catalog notifications |
Colp::logging::NullLogStream | Used for disabled logs at compile time |
Colp::client::OauthToken | A parsed response received from the OAuth2.0 token endpoint |
Colp::client::OlpClient | Executes HTTP requests by using the base url and the provided parameters and body. This class will handle retries based on the RetrySettings and will merge all similar URL requests into one |
Colp::client::OlpClientFactory | Creates the OlpClient instances that are used for every HTTP request |
Colp::client::OlpClientSettings | Configures the behavior of the OlpClient class |
Colp::client::OlpClientSettingsFactory | Fills in the OlpClientSettings structure with default handlers |
Colp::math::OverflowTrait< T, IntegerBits, IsSigned > | Maps an integer type to the one that can handle arithmetic overflows |
Colp::math::OverflowTrait< T, 16, false > | A specialization for 16-bit unsigned integers |
Colp::math::OverflowTrait< T, 16, true > | A specialization for 16-bit signed integers |
Colp::math::OverflowTrait< T, 32, false > | A specialization for 32-bit unsigned integers |
Colp::math::OverflowTrait< T, 32, true > | A specialization for 32-bit signed integers |
Colp::math::OverflowTrait< T, 8, false > | A specialization for 8-bit unsigned integers |
Colp::math::OverflowTrait< T, 8, true > | A specialization for 8-bit signed integers |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::Owner | Contains information on the catalog creator and customer organisation that is related to the catalog |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::Partition | A model that represents a partition in a layer |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::Partitioning | A paritioning scheme of the catalog |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::Partitions | A model that represents a collection of layer partitions |
Colp::dataservice::read::PartitionsRequest | Encapsulates the fields required to request a list of partitions for the given catalog and layer |
Colp::client::PendingRequests | A container for requests that have not finished yet |
Colp::authentication::Permission | Represents the permission with the action, policy decision, and associated resource |
Colp::dataservice::read::PrefetchPartitionsRequest | Encapsulates the fields required to prefetch a list of partitions for the given catalog and layer |
Colp::dataservice::read::PrefetchPartitionsResult | Represents the result of a prefetch operation for partitions |
Colp::dataservice::read::PrefetchPartitionsStatus | Represents the progress of a prefetch for partitions |
Colp::dataservice::read::PrefetchStatus | Represents the progress of a prefetch operation |
Colp::dataservice::read::PrefetchTileNoError | A helper class for the 'ApiResponse` class |
Colp::dataservice::read::PrefetchTilesRequest | Encapsulates the fields required to prefetch the specified layers, tiles, and levels |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::Publication | Contains information on a publication |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::PublishDataRequest | Publishes data to a stream layer |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::PublishIndexRequest | Publishes data to an index layer |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::PublishPartitionDataRequest | Publishes data to a versioned and volatile layer |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::PublishSdiiRequest | Sends a list of SDII messages to a stream layer |
Colp::geo::QuadKey64Helper | A helper structure for basic operations on 64-bit Morton quadkeys |
Colp::thread::internal::ReduceVoidVector< Type > | |
Colp::authentication::AuthenticationClient::RefreshProperties | Used to generate a new access token and contains token values returned as a response to the user sign-in operation |
Colp::thread::internal::RemoveRefAndConstImpl< Type > | A helper class removes type qualifiers and provides a type |
Colp::client::ResponseExtension< Payload > | |
►Colp::client::ResponseExtension< void > | The ApiResponse extension class specialization without any payload |
►Colp::client::ApiResponse< PrefetchTileNoError, client::ApiError > | |
Colp::dataservice::read::PrefetchTileResult | Represents the result of a prefetch operation |
Colp::client::ApiResponse< Result, Error, Payload > | Represents a request outcome |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::ResponseOk | Contians a response to a successful ingestSDII call |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::ResponseOkSingle | Represents a response to a successful data upload operation to a catalog layer |
Colp::client::RetrySettings | A collection of settings that controls how failed requests should be treated by the Data SDK |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::Schema | Describes a HERE Resource Name (HRN) of a layer schema |
Colp::context::Context::Scope | Initializes the Context class in its constructor (if it is not already initialized) and deinitializes in its destructor (if there are no other Scope instances) |
Colp::logging::ScopedLogContext | Takes ownership of a log context and makes it active on construction and restores the previous context on destruction |
Colp::dataservice::read::SeekRequest | Requests to seek an offset for a stream layer |
Colp::http::SendOutcome | Rrepresents the outcome of a network request |
Colp::authentication::Settings | Configures the TokenEndpoint instance |
Cstd::shared_lock< Mutex > | A shared mutex wrapper that supports timed lock operations and non-exclusive sharing by multiple threads |
Cstd::shared_mutex | A shared mutex type that can be locked exclusively by one thread or shared non-exclusively by multiple threads |
Cstd::detail::shared_mutex_cv | A shared mutex type implemented using std::condition_variable |
Colp::authentication::AuthenticationClient::SignInProperties | General properties used to sign in with client credentials |
►Colp::authentication::SignInResult | A response to a client or user sign-in operation |
Colp::authentication::SignInUserResult | A response to your sign-in operation |
Colp::authentication::SignOutResult | A response to your sign-out operation |
Colp::authentication::AuthenticationClient::SignUpProperties | Used to create a new HERE account for the specified user with the email and password that are your login credentials |
Colp::authentication::SignUpResult | A response to the sign-up operation with your HERE Account user ID |
Colp::math::Size2< T > | Represents the 2D size |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::StartBatchRequest | Starts a versioned batch operation |
Colp::http::Network::Statistics | Network statistics for a specific bucket |
Colp::dataservice::read::StreamLayerClient | Provides the ability to consume data from a stream layer in real time |
Colp::dataservice::write::StreamLayerClient | Publishes data to a stream layer |
Colp::dataservice::write::StreamLayerClientSettings | Configures the behavior of the StreamLayerClient specific logic |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::StreamOffset | An offset in a specific partition of a stream layer |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::StreamOffsets | Represents a list of offsets |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::StreamProperties | Properties that define the scale of the required streaming service |
Colp::dataservice::read::SubscribeRequest | Used to subscribe to a stream layer |
Colp::geo::SubTiles | A container of child tiles |
Colp::thread::SyncQueue< T, Container > | A thread-safe container adapter |
Colp::client::TaskContext | Encapsulates the execution of an asynchronous task and invocation of a callback in a guaranteed manner |
Colp::client::TaskContextHash | A helper for unordered containers |
Colp::thread::TaskContinuation | Creates a chain of tasks for an asynchronous execution |
►Colp::thread::TaskScheduler | An abstract interface that is used as a base for the custom thread scheduling strategy |
Colp::thread::ThreadPoolTaskScheduler | An implementation of the TaskScheduler instance that uses a thread pool |
Colp::utils::Thread | Manages threads |
Colp::geo::TileKey | Addresses a tile in a quadtree |
Colp::geo::TileKeyUtils | Used to get geographic coordinates from tile keys and vise versa |
Colp::dataservice::read::TileRequest | Encapsulates the fields required to request tile for the given key |
Colp::geo::TileTreeTraverse | A container of subtiles for a tile |
Colp::authentication::TokenProvider< MinimumValidity > | Provides the authentication tokens if the HERE platform user credentials are valid |
Colp::authentication::internal::TokenProviderImpl | |
Colp::authentication::TokenResult | A parsed response received from the OAuth2.0 token endpoint |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::TraceID | Contains IDs that can be used to track your request and identify messages in a catalog |
►Cstd::true_type | |
Colp::porting::IsMap< std::map< ARGS... > > | |
Colp::porting::IsUnorderedMap< std::unordered_map< ARGS... > > | |
Colp::thread::internal::TypeToFunctionInputImpl< Type > | A class for wrapping a type with std::function |
Colp::thread::internal::TypeToFunctionInputImpl< void > | A class for wrapping a void type with std::function |
►Colp::thread::internal::UntypedSmartPointer | |
Colp::thread::internal::TypedSmartPointer< SmartPointer > | An implementation of UntypedSmartPointer interface |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::UpdateIndexRequest | Updates an index in an index layer |
Colp::utils::Url | Builds and parses URLs |
Colp::authentication::model::UserAccountInfoResponse | An account information |
Colp::authentication::AuthenticationClient::UserProperties | The user sign-in properties struct |
►Colp::utils::LruCache< Key, Value, CacheCostFunc, Compare, Alloc >::ValueType | A type of objects to be stored |
Colp::utils::LruCache< Key, Value, CacheCostFunc, Compare, Alloc >::const_iterator | A constant iterator of the LruCache object |
Colp::math::Vector2< T > | Represents 2D vectors and points |
Colp::math::Vector2< Value > | |
Colp::math::Vector3< T > | Represents 3D vectors and points |
Colp::math::VectorImpl< T, N > | The implementation structure of a vector |
Colp::math::VectorImpl< T, 2 > | The implementation structure of a 2D vector |
Colp::math::VectorImpl< T, 3 > | The implementation structure of a 3D vector |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::VersionDependency | Represents a catalog version dependency |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::VersionDependency | Represents catalog and version dependencies |
Colp::dataservice::read::VersionedLayerClient | Gets data from a versioned layer of the HERE platform |
Colp::dataservice::write::VersionedLayerClient | Publishes data to a versioned layers |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::VersionInfo | Represents a version info |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::VersionInfos | A container for a list of version infos |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::VersionResponse | A model used to represent a catalog metadata version |
Colp::dataservice::write::model::VersionResponse | Represents the version of the catalog metadata |
Colp::dataservice::read::VersionsRequest | Encapsulates the fields required to request a list of versions for the given catalog |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::VersionsResponse | Represents a result of the compatible versions request |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::VersionsResponseEntry | Represents dependencies for the given catalog version |
Colp::dataservice::read::VolatileLayerClient | Gets data from a volatile layer of the HERE platform |
Colp::dataservice::write::VolatileLayerClient | Publishes data to a volatile layer |
Colp::dataservice::read::model::Volume | Describes storage details of a catalog layer |