Processing routines

Normal estimation


Estimates normals at all points using principal component analysis (PCA). Specifically, computes eigenvectors of the covariance matrix C based on the local neighborhoods of each point.

C = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}{(p_i-\mu)(p_i-\mu)^T}

where p_1 ... p_N are the points in a given neighborhood and \mu is the centroid of the points.

  • points (3-column numpy array of type float32 or float64) – Input point cloud.
  • k (int) – Number of neighbors to use. For pure r-near neighborhoods, set this to -1.
  • r (float) – Use neighbors within r of query point. For pure k-nearest neighborhoods, set this to np.inf.
  • subsample (1-d array of bool or int, optional) – Optionally estimate normals at subset of points specified by a boolean mask having length equal to the number of points, or by integer indices into the array of points. Default: None.
  • output_eigenvalues (bool, optional) – Default: False.
  • output_all_eigenvectors (bool, optional) – Default: False.
  • output_neighborhood_sizes (bool, optional) – Default: False.
  • verbose (bool, optional) – Default: True.
  • num_procs (int, optional) – Default: use all processors.

results (ndarray or tuple of ndarray’s) – PCA results. The tuple return type is triggered if any of output_eigenvalues or output_neighborhood_sizes is True.

The following table summarizes all potential return types. Here m is the number of PCAs performed. If subsample is not None, then m is the size of subsample. Otherwise, m is just the number of input points.




F, F m x 3 m x 3 x 3
F, T (m x 3, None, m) (m x 3 x 3, None, m)
T, F (m x 3, m, None) (m x 3 x 3, m x 3, None)
T, T (m x 3, m, m) (m x 3 x 3, m x 3, m)


  • The j-th eigenvector of the i-th PCA result is given by indices [i, j, :].
  • eigenvectors are sorted in order of increasing eigenvalue

k-d tree


Builds k-d tree.

  • points (n x k numpy array) – Currently supports any numeric type and any k in [2, 4].
  • numprocs (int, optional) – Default: use all processors.
  • maxleafsize (int, optional) – Leaf nodes have at most this many points. Default: 10.
  • emptysplit (float, optional) – Empty splits are performed for gap ratios greater than this value. Default: 0.2

tree (capsule object) – This object is meant to be passed into the kdtree._query method.


Query k-d tree for nearest neighbors.

Query points can be specified by one of the following ways (n is the number of points in the k-d tree and m the number of queries):

  1. k-d points (m x k numpy array)
  2. integer indices (list or numpy array of m integers; negative integers supported)
  3. boolean selection mask on the n points used to build the k-d tree (numpy array of n bools)

For each query point, this function returns up to k nearest neighbors that have distances strictly less than dmax from the query point.

  • tree (capsule object) – A k-d tree as produced by kdtree._build.
  • queries (numpy array) – Specify query points by one of the ways above.
  • k (int, optional) – Default: 1
  • dmax (float or double, optional) – Default: inf
  • numprocs (int, optional) – Default: use all processors.

results (list of m numpy arrays of integer indices)