This example displays a movable map initially centered over Hong Kong (22.2917°N, 114.1872°E) with map labels in simplified Chinese.


A reference to the base map tile service is obtained using the H.service.Platform. Alternate languages can be requested by adding the lg parameter to the tile requests. That is done by calling createTileLayer method. 5th argument is list of key/value parameters which are passed to the map tile service when requesting each tile. A list of all supported map languages can be found in the API References of the underlying service used: HERE Map Tile API and HERE Vector Tile API

It is possible to specify map language for all layers at once when using H.service.Platform.createDefaultLayers method.

Language of the UI controls can be specified when calling H.ui.UI.createDefault method. 3rd argument is either a supported language code or a custom H.ui.i18n.Localization object.