Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- o -
- OauthToken()
: olp::client::OauthToken
- Offline()
: olp::client::ApiError
- OlpClient()
: olp::client::OlpClient
- OnEnterBackground()
: olp::context::EnterBackgroundSubscriber
- OnExitBackground()
: olp::context::EnterBackgroundSubscriber
- Open()
: olp::cache::DefaultCache
- OpenDiskPathFailure
: olp::cache::DefaultCache
- openOptions
: olp::cache::CacheSettings
- operator bool()
: olp::authentication::TokenProvider< MinimumValidity >
, olp::client::ApiResponse< Result, Error, Payload >
, olp::client::HRN
, olp::geo::GeoCoordinates3d
, olp::geo::GeoCoordinates
, olp::thread::Atomic< Type, MutexType, ReadLockType >
, std::shared_lock< Mutex >
- operator Vector2< U >()
: olp::math::Size2< T >
- operator!=()
: olp::client::HRN
, olp::geo::GeoPoint
, olp::geo::GeoRectangle
, olp::geo::SubTiles::Iterator
, olp::geo::TileKey
, olp::logging::MessageFormatter::Element
, olp::math::AlignedBox< T, N >
, olp::utils::LruCache< Key, Value, CacheCostFunc, Compare, Alloc >::const_iterator
- operator()()
: olp::authentication::internal::TokenProviderImpl
, olp::authentication::TokenProvider< MinimumValidity >
, olp::client::CancellationContextHash
, olp::client::DefaultLookupEndpointProvider
, olp::client::EqualJitterBackdownStrategy
, olp::client::ExponentialBackdownStrategy
, olp::client::TaskContextHash
, olp::utils::CacheCost< T >
, std::hash< olp::geo::TileKey >
- operator*()
: olp::geo::SubTiles::Iterator
, olp::math::Vector2< T >
, olp::math::Vector3< T >
, olp::utils::LruCache< Key, Value, CacheCostFunc, Compare, Alloc >::const_iterator
- operator+()
: olp::client::NetworkStatistics
, olp::math::Vector2< T >
, olp::math::Vector3< T >
- operator++()
: olp::geo::SubTiles::Iterator
, olp::utils::LruCache< Key, Value, CacheCostFunc, Compare, Alloc >::const_iterator
- operator+=()
: olp::client::NetworkStatistics
, olp::geo::GeoPoint
- operator-()
: olp::math::Vector2< T >
, olp::math::Vector3< T >
- operator--()
: olp::utils::LruCache< Key, Value, CacheCostFunc, Compare, Alloc >::const_iterator
- operator->()
: olp::utils::LruCache< Key, Value, CacheCostFunc, Compare, Alloc >::const_iterator
- operator<()
: olp::geo::TileKey
- operator<<()
: olp::logging::NullLogStream
- operator=()
: olp::authentication::AuthenticationClient
, olp::authentication::TokenProvider< MinimumValidity >
, olp::client::HttpResponse
, olp::client::OlpClient
, olp::context::Context::Scope
, olp::dataservice::read::CatalogClient
, olp::dataservice::read::StreamLayerClient
, olp::dataservice::read::VersionedLayerClient
, olp::dataservice::read::VolatileLayerClient
, olp::dataservice::write::model::IndexValue
, olp::geo::TileKey
, olp::logging::FilterGroup
, olp::logging::MessageFormatter::Element
, olp::logging::MessageFormatter
, olp::math::Vector2< T >
, olp::thread::SyncQueue< T, Container >
, olp::thread::ThreadPoolTaskScheduler
, olp::utils::LruCache< Key, Value, CacheCostFunc, Compare, Alloc >::const_iterator
, olp::utils::LruCache< Key, Value, CacheCostFunc, Compare, Alloc >
, std::shared_lock< Mutex >
- operator==()
: olp::client::HRN
, olp::client::TaskContext
, olp::geo::GeoPoint
, olp::geo::GeoRectangle
, olp::geo::SubTiles::Iterator
, olp::geo::TileKey
, olp::logging::MessageFormatter::Element
, olp::math::AlignedBox< T, N >
, olp::utils::LruCache< Key, Value, CacheCostFunc, Compare, Alloc >::const_iterator
- OutResultType
: olp::thread::internal::ContinuationImpl
- OverflowType
: olp::math::AlignedBox< T, N >
- OverflowVectorType
: olp::math::AlignedBox< T, N >
- Overlaps()
: olp::geo::GeoRectangle
- owns_lock()
: std::shared_lock< Mutex >