This is the complete list of members for olp::geo::GeoRectangle, including all inherited members.
BooleanUnion(const GeoRectangle &other) const | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | |
Center() const | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | |
Contains(const GeoCoordinates &point) const | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | |
GeoRectangle() | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | |
GeoRectangle(const GeoCoordinates &south_west, const GeoCoordinates &north_east) | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | |
GrowToContain(const GeoCoordinates &point) | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | |
IsEmpty() const | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | |
LatitudeSpan() const | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | |
LongitudeSpan() const | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | |
north_east_ | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | protected |
NorthEast() const | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | |
NorthWest() const | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | |
operator!=(const GeoRectangle &other) const | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | |
operator==(const GeoRectangle &other) const | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | |
Overlaps(const GeoRectangle &rectangle) const | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | |
south_west_ | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | protected |
SouthEast() const | olp::geo::GeoRectangle | |
SouthWest() const | olp::geo::GeoRectangle |