This is the complete list of members for olp::client::TaskContext, including all inherited members.
BlockingCancel(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout=std::chrono::seconds(60)) const | olp::client::TaskContext | inline |
CancelToken() const | olp::client::TaskContext | inline |
Create(Exec execute_func, Callback callback, client::CancellationContext context=client::CancellationContext()) | olp::client::TaskContext | inlinestatic |
Execute() const | olp::client::TaskContext | inline |
impl_ | olp::client::TaskContext | protected |
operator==(const TaskContext &other) const | olp::client::TaskContext | inline |
SetExecutors(Exec execute_func, Callback callback, client::CancellationContext context) | olp::client::TaskContext | inlineprotected |
TaskContext()=default (defined in olp::client::TaskContext) | olp::client::TaskContext | protected |
TaskContextHash | olp::client::TaskContext | friend |