olp-cpp-sdk  1.22.0
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2019-2023 HERE Europe B.V.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
17  * License-Filename: LICENSE
18  */
20 #pragma once
22 #include <string>
23 #include <vector>
25 #include <boost/optional.hpp>
27 #include <olp/dataservice/read/DataServiceReadApi.h>
29 namespace olp {
30 namespace dataservice {
31 namespace read {
32 namespace model {
36 class DATASERVICE_READ_API Coverage {
37  public:
38  Coverage() = default;
39  Coverage(const Coverage&) = default;
40  Coverage(Coverage&&) = default;
41  Coverage& operator=(const Coverage&) = default;
42  Coverage& operator=(Coverage&&) = default;
43  virtual ~Coverage() = default;
45  private:
46  std::vector<std::string> admin_areas_;
48  public:
58  const std::vector<std::string>& GetAdminAreas() const { return admin_areas_; }
66  std::vector<std::string>& GetMutableAdminAreas() { return admin_areas_; }
74  void SetAdminAreas(const std::vector<std::string>& value) {
75  this->admin_areas_ = value;
76  }
77 };
82 class DATASERVICE_READ_API IndexDefinition {
83  public:
84  IndexDefinition() = default;
85  IndexDefinition(const IndexDefinition&) = default;
86  IndexDefinition(IndexDefinition&&) = default;
87  IndexDefinition& operator=(const IndexDefinition&) = default;
88  IndexDefinition& operator=(IndexDefinition&&) = default;
89  virtual ~IndexDefinition() = default;
91  private:
92  std::string name_;
93  std::string type_;
94  int64_t duration_{0};
95  int64_t zoomLevel_{0};
97  public:
103  const std::string& GetName() const { return name_; }
109  std::string& GetMutableName() { return name_; }
115  void SetName(const std::string& value) { this->name_ = value; }
122  const std::string& GetType() const { return type_; }
129  std::string& GetMutableType() { return type_; }
135  void SetType(const std::string& value) { this->type_ = value; }
146  const int64_t& GetDuration() const { return duration_; }
157  int64_t& GetMutableDuration() { return duration_; }
166  void SetDuration(const int64_t& value) { this->duration_ = value; }
173  const int64_t& GetZoomLevel() const { return zoomLevel_; }
179  int64_t& GetMutableZoomLevel() { return zoomLevel_; }
185  void SetZoomLevel(const int64_t& value) { this->zoomLevel_ = value; }
186 };
191 class DATASERVICE_READ_API IndexProperties {
192  public:
193  IndexProperties() = default;
194  IndexProperties(const IndexProperties&) = default;
195  IndexProperties(IndexProperties&&) = default;
196  IndexProperties& operator=(const IndexProperties&) = default;
197  IndexProperties& operator=(IndexProperties&&) = default;
198  virtual ~IndexProperties() = default;
200  private:
201  std::string ttl_;
202  std::vector<IndexDefinition> index_definitions_;
204  public:
212  const std::string& GetTtl() const { return ttl_; }
222  std::string& GetMutableTtl() { return ttl_; }
230  void SetTtl(const std::string& value) { this->ttl_ = value; }
237  const std::vector<IndexDefinition>& GetIndexDefinitions() const {
238  return index_definitions_;
239  }
245  std::vector<IndexDefinition>& GetMutableIndexDefinitions() {
246  return index_definitions_;
247  }
253  void SetIndexDefinitions(const std::vector<IndexDefinition>& value) {
254  this->index_definitions_ = value;
255  }
256 };
262 class DATASERVICE_READ_API Creator {
263  public:
264  Creator() = default;
265  Creator(const Creator&) = default;
266  Creator(Creator&&) = default;
267  Creator& operator=(const Creator&) = default;
268  Creator& operator=(Creator&&) = default;
269  virtual ~Creator() = default;
271  private:
272  std::string id_;
274  public:
282  const std::string& GetId() const { return id_; }
290  std::string& GetMutableId() { return id_; }
298  void SetId(const std::string& value) { this->id_ = value; }
299 };
305 class DATASERVICE_READ_API Owner {
306  public:
307  Owner() = default;
308  Owner(const Owner&) = default;
309  Owner(Owner&&) = default;
310  Owner& operator=(const Owner&) = default;
311  Owner& operator=(Owner&&) = default;
312  virtual ~Owner() = default;
314  private:
315  Creator creator_;
316  Creator organisation_;
318  public:
324  const Creator& GetCreator() const { return creator_; }
330  Creator& GetMutableCreator() { return creator_; }
336  void SetCreator(const Creator& value) { this->creator_ = value; }
345  const Creator& GetOrganisation() const { return organisation_; }
353  Creator& GetMutableOrganisation() { return organisation_; }
360  void SetOrganisation(const Creator& value) { this->organisation_ = value; }
361 };
366 class DATASERVICE_READ_API Partitioning {
367  public:
368  Partitioning() = default;
369  Partitioning(const Partitioning&) = default;
370  Partitioning(Partitioning&&) = default;
371  Partitioning& operator=(const Partitioning&) = default;
372  Partitioning& operator=(Partitioning&&) = default;
373  virtual ~Partitioning() = default;
375  private:
376  std::string scheme_;
377  std::vector<int64_t> tile_levels_;
379  public:
393  const std::string& GetScheme() const { return scheme_; }
404  std::string& GetMutableScheme() { return scheme_; }
413  void SetScheme(const std::string& value) { this->scheme_ = value; }
423  const std::vector<int64_t>& GetTileLevels() const { return tile_levels_; }
433  std::vector<int64_t>& GetMutableTileLevels() { return tile_levels_; }
441  void SetTileLevels(const std::vector<int64_t>& value) {
442  this->tile_levels_ = value;
443  }
444 };
449 class DATASERVICE_READ_API Schema {
450  public:
451  Schema() = default;
452  Schema(const Schema&) = default;
453  Schema(Schema&&) = default;
454  Schema& operator=(const Schema&) = default;
455  Schema& operator=(Schema&&) = default;
456  virtual ~Schema() = default;
458  private:
459  std::string hrn_;
461  public:
467  const std::string& GetHrn() const { return hrn_; }
473  std::string& GetMutableHrn() { return hrn_; }
479  void SetHrn(const std::string& value) { this->hrn_ = value; }
480 };
485 class DATASERVICE_READ_API StreamProperties {
486  public:
487  StreamProperties() = default;
488  StreamProperties(const StreamProperties&) = default;
489  StreamProperties(StreamProperties&&) = default;
490  StreamProperties& operator=(const StreamProperties&) = default;
491  StreamProperties& operator=(StreamProperties&&) = default;
492  virtual ~StreamProperties() = default;
494  private:
495  int64_t data_in_throughput_mbps_{0};
496  int64_t data_out_throughput_mbps_{0};
498  public:
508  const int64_t& GetDataInThroughputMbps() const {
509  return data_in_throughput_mbps_;
510  }
521  int64_t& GetMutableDataInThroughputMbps() { return data_in_throughput_mbps_; }
530  void SetDataInThroughputMbps(const int64_t& value) {
531  this->data_in_throughput_mbps_ = value;
532  }
544  const int64_t& GetDataOutThroughputMbps() const {
545  return data_out_throughput_mbps_;
546  }
558  return data_out_throughput_mbps_;
559  }
568  void SetDataOutThroughputMbps(const int64_t& value) {
569  this->data_out_throughput_mbps_ = value;
570  }
571 };
576 class DATASERVICE_READ_API Encryption {
577  public:
578  Encryption() = default;
579  Encryption(const Encryption&) = default;
580  Encryption(Encryption&&) = default;
581  Encryption& operator=(const Encryption&) = default;
582  Encryption& operator=(Encryption&&) = default;
583  virtual ~Encryption() = default;
585  private:
586  std::string algorithm_;
588  public:
594  const std::string& GetAlgorithm() const { return algorithm_; }
600  std::string& GetMutableAlgorithm() { return algorithm_; }
606  void SetAlgorithm(const std::string& value) { this->algorithm_ = value; }
607 };
612 class DATASERVICE_READ_API Volume {
613  public:
614  Volume() = default;
615  Volume(const Volume&) = default;
616  Volume(Volume&&) = default;
617  Volume& operator=(const Volume&) = default;
618  Volume& operator=(Volume&&) = default;
619  virtual ~Volume() = default;
621  private:
622  std::string volume_type_;
623  std::string max_memory_policy_;
624  std::string package_type_;
625  Encryption encryption_;
627  public:
633  const std::string& GetVolumeType() const { return volume_type_; }
641  std::string& GetMutableVolumeType() { return volume_type_; }
647  void SetVolumeType(const std::string& value) { this->volume_type_ = value; }
655  const std::string& GetMaxMemoryPolicy() const { return max_memory_policy_; }
662  std::string& GetMutableMaxMemoryPolicy() { return max_memory_policy_; }
668  void SetMaxMemoryPolicy(const std::string& value) {
669  this->max_memory_policy_ = value;
670  }
677  const std::string& GetPackageType() const { return package_type_; }
684  std::string& GetMutablePackageType() { return package_type_; }
690  void SetPackageType(const std::string& value) { this->package_type_ = value; }
697  const Encryption& GetEncryption() const { return encryption_; }
703  Encryption& GetMutableEncryption() { return encryption_; }
709  void SetEncryption(const Encryption& value) { this->encryption_ = value; }
710 };
715 class DATASERVICE_READ_API Layer {
716  public:
717  Layer() = default;
718  Layer(const Layer&) = default;
719  Layer(Layer&&) = default;
720  Layer& operator=(const Layer&) = default;
721  Layer& operator=(Layer&&) = default;
722  virtual ~Layer() = default;
724  private:
725  std::string id_;
726  std::string name_;
727  std::string summary_;
728  std::string description_;
729  Owner owner_;
730  Coverage coverage_;
731  Schema schema_;
732  std::string content_type_;
733  std::string content_encoding_;
734  Partitioning partitioning_;
735  std::string layer_type_;
736  std::string digest_;
737  std::vector<std::string> tags_;
738  std::vector<std::string> billing_tags_;
739  boost::optional<int64_t> ttl_;
740  IndexProperties index_properties_;
741  StreamProperties stream_properties_;
742  Volume volume_;
744  public:
750  const std::string& GetId() const { return id_; }
757  std::string& GetMutableId() { return id_; }
763  void SetId(const std::string& value) { this->id_ = value; }
770  const std::string& GetName() const { return name_; }
776  std::string& GetMutableName() { return name_; }
782  void SetName(const std::string& value) { this->name_ = value; }
792  const std::string& GetSummary() const { return summary_; }
800  std::string& GetMutableSummary() { return summary_; }
808  void SetSummary(const std::string& value) { this->summary_ = value; }
818  const std::string& GetDescription() const { return description_; }
824  std::string& GetMutableDescription() { return description_; }
830  void SetDescription(const std::string& value) { this->description_ = value; }
837  const Owner& GetOwner() const { return owner_; }
843  Owner& GetMutableOwner() { return owner_; }
849  void SetOwner(const Owner& value) { this->owner_ = value; }
856  const Coverage& GetCoverage() const { return coverage_; }
862  Coverage& GetMutableCoverage() { return coverage_; }
868  void SetCoverage(const Coverage& value) { this->coverage_ = value; }
875  const Schema& GetSchema() const { return schema_; }
881  Schema& GetMutableSchema() { return schema_; }
887  void SetSchema(const Schema& value) { this->schema_ = value; }
894  const std::string& GetContentType() const { return content_type_; }
901  std::string& GetMutableContentType() { return content_type_; }
907  void SetContentType(const std::string& value) { this->content_type_ = value; }
914  const std::string& GetContentEncoding() const { return content_encoding_; }
920  std::string& GetMutableContentEncoding() { return content_encoding_; }
926  void SetContentEncoding(const std::string& value) {
927  this->content_encoding_ = value;
928  }
935  const Partitioning& GetPartitioning() const { return partitioning_; }
941  Partitioning& GetMutablePartitioning() { return partitioning_; }
947  void SetPartitioning(const Partitioning& value) {
948  this->partitioning_ = value;
949  }
956  const std::string& GetLayerType() const { return layer_type_; }
963  std::string& GetMutableLayerType() { return layer_type_; }
969  void SetLayerType(const std::string& value) { this->layer_type_ = value; }
985  const std::string& GetDigest() const { return digest_; }
995  std::string& GetMutableDigest() { return digest_; }
1005  void SetDigest(const std::string& value) { this->digest_ = value; }
1013  const std::vector<std::string>& GetTags() const { return tags_; }
1020  std::vector<std::string>& GetMutableTags() { return tags_; }
1027  void SetTags(const std::vector<std::string>& value) { this->tags_ = value; }
1039  const std::vector<std::string>& GetBillingTags() const {
1040  return billing_tags_;
1041  }
1050  std::vector<std::string>& GetMutableBillingTags() { return billing_tags_; }
1059  void SetBillingTags(const std::vector<std::string>& value) {
1060  this->billing_tags_ = value;
1061  }
1073  const boost::optional<int64_t>& GetTtl() const { return ttl_; }
1082  boost::optional<int64_t>& GetMutableTtl() { return ttl_; }
1090  void SetTtl(const boost::optional<int64_t>& value) { this->ttl_ = value; }
1098  return index_properties_;
1099  }
1105  IndexProperties& GetMutableIndexProperties() { return index_properties_; }
1112  this->index_properties_ = value;
1113  }
1121  return stream_properties_;
1122  }
1128  StreamProperties& GetMutableStreamProperties() { return stream_properties_; }
1135  this->stream_properties_ = value;
1136  }
1143  const Volume& GetVolume() const { return volume_; }
1149  Volume& GetMutableVolume() { return volume_; }
1155  void SetVolume(const Volume& value) { this->volume_ = value; }
1156 };
1161 class DATASERVICE_READ_API Notifications {
1162  public:
1163  Notifications() = default;
1164  Notifications(const Notifications&) = default;
1165  Notifications(Notifications&&) = default;
1166  Notifications& operator=(const Notifications&) = default;
1167  Notifications& operator=(Notifications&&) = default;
1168  virtual ~Notifications() = default;
1170  private:
1171  bool enabled_{false};
1173  public:
1181  const bool& GetEnabled() const { return enabled_; }
1190  bool& GetMutableEnabled() { return enabled_; }
1197  void SetEnabled(const bool& value) { this->enabled_ = value; }
1198 };
1203 class DATASERVICE_READ_API Catalog {
1204  public:
1205  Catalog() = default;
1206  Catalog(const Catalog&) = default;
1207  Catalog(Catalog&&) = default;
1208  Catalog& operator=(const Catalog&) = default;
1209  Catalog& operator=(Catalog&&) = default;
1210  virtual ~Catalog() = default;
1212  private:
1213  std::string id_;
1214  std::string hrn_;
1215  std::string name_;
1216  std::string summary_;
1217  std::string description_;
1218  Coverage coverage_;
1219  Owner owner_;
1220  std::vector<std::string> tags_;
1221  std::vector<std::string> billing_tags_;
1222  std::string created_;
1223  std::vector<Layer> layers_;
1224  int64_t version_{0};
1225  Notifications notifications_;
1227  public:
1239  const std::string& GetId() const { return id_; }
1248  std::string& GetMutableId() { return id_; }
1256  void SetId(const std::string& value) { this->id_ = value; }
1263  const std::string& GetHrn() const { return hrn_; }
1269  std::string& GetMutableHrn() { return hrn_; }
1275  void SetHrn(const std::string& value) { this->hrn_ = value; }
1282  const std::string& GetName() const { return name_; }
1288  std::string& GetMutableName() { return name_; }
1294  void SetName(const std::string& value) { this->name_ = value; }
1304  const std::string& GetSummary() const { return summary_; }
1310  std::string& GetMutableSummary() { return summary_; }
1316  void SetSummary(const std::string& value) { this->summary_ = value; }
1326  const std::string& GetDescription() const { return description_; }
1335  std::string& GetMutableDescription() { return description_; }
1344  void SetDescription(const std::string& value) { this->description_ = value; }
1351  const Coverage& GetCoverage() const { return coverage_; }
1357  Coverage& GetMutableCoverage() { return coverage_; }
1363  void SetCoverage(const Coverage& value) { this->coverage_ = value; }
1370  const Owner& GetOwner() const { return owner_; }
1376  Owner& GetMutableOwner() { return owner_; }
1382  void SetOwner(const Owner& value) { this->owner_ = value; }
1390  const std::vector<std::string>& GetTags() const { return tags_; }
1398  std::vector<std::string>& GetMutableTags() { return tags_; }
1405  void SetTags(const std::vector<std::string>& value) { this->tags_ = value; }
1417  const std::vector<std::string>& GetBillingTags() const {
1418  return billing_tags_;
1419  }
1428  std::vector<std::string>& GetMutableBillingTags() { return billing_tags_; }
1437  void SetBillingTags(const std::vector<std::string>& value) {
1438  this->billing_tags_ = value;
1439  }
1446  const std::string& GetCreated() const { return created_; }
1452  std::string& GetMutableCreated() { return created_; }
1458  void SetCreated(const std::string& value) { this->created_ = value; }
1465  const std::vector<Layer>& GetLayers() const { return layers_; }
1471  std::vector<Layer>& GetMutableLayers() { return layers_; }
1477  void SetLayers(const std::vector<Layer>& value) { this->layers_ = value; }
1491  const int64_t& GetVersion() const { return version_; }
1501  int64_t& GetMutableVersion() { return version_; }
1510  void SetVersion(const int64_t& value) { this->version_ = value; }
1517  const Notifications& GetNotifications() const { return notifications_; }
1523  Notifications& GetMutableNotifications() { return notifications_; }
1529  void SetNotifications(const Notifications& value) {
1530  this->notifications_ = value;
1531  }
1532 };
1534 } // namespace model
1535 } // namespace read
1536 } // namespace dataservice
1537 } // namespace olp
A model that represents a catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:1203
std::string & GetMutableId()
Gets a mutable reference to the ID that is used to refer to this catalog programmatically.
Definition: Catalog.h:1248
std::string & GetMutableDescription()
Gets a mutable reference to the detailed description of the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:1335
const std::string & GetHrn() const
Gets the HERE Resource Name (HRN) of the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:1263
void SetNotifications(const Notifications &value)
Sets the Notifications instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1529
const Coverage & GetCoverage() const
Gets the Coverage instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1351
void SetCreated(const std::string &value)
Sets the catalog creation date and time.
Definition: Catalog.h:1458
std::vector< std::string > & GetMutableTags()
Gets a mutable reference to the keywords that help to find the catalog on the HERE platform Portal.
Definition: Catalog.h:1398
const std::vector< Layer > & GetLayers() const
Gets the vector with the Layer instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1465
void SetLayers(const std::vector< Layer > &value)
Sets the vector with the Layer instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1477
void SetVersion(const int64_t &value)
Sets the catalog configuration version.
Definition: Catalog.h:1510
std::string & GetMutableSummary()
Gets a mutable reference to the one-sentence summary of the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:1310
std::string & GetMutableName()
Gets a mutable reference to the catalog short name.
Definition: Catalog.h:1288
const std::string & GetCreated() const
Gets the catalog creation date and time.
Definition: Catalog.h:1446
void SetBillingTags(const std::vector< std::string > &value)
Sets the list of billing tags.
Definition: Catalog.h:1437
Coverage & GetMutableCoverage()
Gets a mutable reference to the Coverage instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1357
Notifications & GetMutableNotifications()
Gets a mutable reference to the Notifications instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1523
void SetOwner(const Owner &value)
Sets the Owner instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1382
int64_t & GetMutableVersion()
Gets a mutable reference to the version of the catalog configuration.
Definition: Catalog.h:1501
void SetSummary(const std::string &value)
Sets the catalog summary.
Definition: Catalog.h:1316
const int64_t & GetVersion() const
Gets the version of the catalog configuration.
Definition: Catalog.h:1491
void SetCoverage(const Coverage &value)
Sets the Coverage instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1363
std::string & GetMutableCreated()
Gets a mutable reference to the catalog creation date and time.
Definition: Catalog.h:1452
void SetHrn(const std::string &value)
Sets the catalog HRN.
Definition: Catalog.h:1275
const std::string & GetName() const
Gets the short name of the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:1282
void SetDescription(const std::string &value)
Sets the detailed description of the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:1344
void SetName(const std::string &value)
Sets the catalog short name.
Definition: Catalog.h:1294
void SetId(const std::string &value)
Sets the catalog ID.
Definition: Catalog.h:1256
Owner & GetMutableOwner()
Gets a mutable reference to the Owner instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1376
std::vector< Layer > & GetMutableLayers()
Gets a mutable reference to the vector with the Layer instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1471
std::string & GetMutableHrn()
Gets a mutable reference to the HRN of the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:1269
const std::vector< std::string > & GetTags() const
Gets the keywords that help to find the catalog on the HERE platform Portal.
Definition: Catalog.h:1390
std::vector< std::string > & GetMutableBillingTags()
Gets a mutable reference to the list of billing tags that are used to group billing records.
Definition: Catalog.h:1428
const std::string & GetId() const
Gets the ID that is used to refer to this catalog programmatically.
Definition: Catalog.h:1239
void SetTags(const std::vector< std::string > &value)
Sets the keywords that help to find the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:1405
const Notifications & GetNotifications() const
Gets the Notifications instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1517
const Owner & GetOwner() const
Gets the Owner instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1370
const std::string & GetSummary() const
Gets the one-sentence summary of the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:1304
const std::string & GetDescription() const
Gets the detailed description of the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:1326
const std::vector< std::string > & GetBillingTags() const
Gets the list of billing tags that are used to group billing records.
Definition: Catalog.h:1417
Geographic areas that the catalog covers.
Definition: Catalog.h:36
const std::vector< std::string > & GetAdminAreas() const
Gets the string of catalog administrative areas.
Definition: Catalog.h:58
std::vector< std::string > & GetMutableAdminAreas()
Gets a mutable reference to the catalog administrative areas.
Definition: Catalog.h:66
void SetAdminAreas(const std::vector< std::string > &value)
Sets the catalog administrative areas.
Definition: Catalog.h:74
Contains information on a user or application that initially created the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:262
std::string & GetMutableId()
Gets a mutable reference to the ID of the user or application that initially created the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:290
const std::string & GetId() const
Gets the unique ID of the user or application that initially created the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:282
void SetId(const std::string &value)
Sets the ID of the user or application that initially created the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:298
An encryption scheme of the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:576
const std::string & GetAlgorithm() const
Gets the encryption algorithm.
Definition: Catalog.h:594
void SetAlgorithm(const std::string &value)
Sets the encryption algorithm.
Definition: Catalog.h:606
std::string & GetMutableAlgorithm()
Gets a mutable reference to the encryption algorithm.
Definition: Catalog.h:600
A model that represents a definition of an index field.
Definition: Catalog.h:82
const std::string & GetName() const
Gets the short name of the index field.
Definition: Catalog.h:103
void SetDuration(const int64_t &value)
Sets the duration of the time window.
Definition: Catalog.h:166
std::string & GetMutableName()
Gets a mutable reference to the short name of the index field.
Definition: Catalog.h:109
const int64_t & GetDuration() const
Gets the duration of the time window in milliseconds.
Definition: Catalog.h:146
const int64_t & GetZoomLevel() const
Gets the tile size.
Definition: Catalog.h:173
int64_t & GetMutableZoomLevel()
Gets a mutable reference to the tile size.
Definition: Catalog.h:179
int64_t & GetMutableDuration()
Gets a mutable reference to the duration of the time window in milliseconds.
Definition: Catalog.h:157
void SetType(const std::string &value)
Sets the data availability type.
Definition: Catalog.h:135
void SetZoomLevel(const int64_t &value)
Sets the tile size.
Definition: Catalog.h:185
std::string & GetMutableType()
Gets a mutable reference to the type of data availability that this layer provides.
Definition: Catalog.h:129
const std::string & GetType() const
Gets the type of data availability that this layer provides.
Definition: Catalog.h:122
void SetName(const std::string &value)
Sets the short name of the index field.
Definition: Catalog.h:115
A model that represents index properties.
Definition: Catalog.h:191
void SetIndexDefinitions(const std::vector< IndexDefinition > &value)
Sets the IndexDefinition instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:253
std::string & GetMutableTtl()
Gets a mutable reference to the expiry time for data in the index layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:222
const std::vector< IndexDefinition > & GetIndexDefinitions() const
Gets the IndexDefinition instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:237
const std::string & GetTtl() const
Gets the expiry time (in milliseconds) for data in the index layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:212
void SetTtl(const std::string &value)
Sets the expiry time for the data in the index layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:230
std::vector< IndexDefinition > & GetMutableIndexDefinitions()
Gets a mutable reference to the IndexDefinition instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:245
A layer of a catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:715
const std::string & GetDescription() const
Gets the detailed description of the layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:818
const std::vector< std::string > & GetTags() const
Gets the keywords that help to find the layer on the HERE platform Portal.
Definition: Catalog.h:1013
const std::string & GetDigest() const
Gets the digest algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the partitions in this layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:985
boost::optional< int64_t > & GetMutableTtl()
Gets a mutable reference to the expiry time for data in this layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:1082
const Owner & GetOwner() const
Gets the Owner instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:837
void SetLayerType(const std::string &value)
Sets the data availability type.
Definition: Catalog.h:969
void SetDescription(const std::string &value)
Sets the detailed description of the layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:830
void SetId(const std::string &value)
Sets the layer ID.
Definition: Catalog.h:763
std::string & GetMutableDescription()
Gets a mutable reference to the detailed description of the layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:824
const std::string & GetSummary() const
Gets the one-sentence summary of the layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:792
Partitioning & GetMutablePartitioning()
Gets a mutable reference to the Partitioning instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:941
std::string & GetMutableSummary()
Gets a mutable reference to the one-sentence summary of the layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:800
const StreamProperties & GetStreamProperties() const
Gets the StreamProperties instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1120
void SetContentType(const std::string &value)
Sets the data of the MIME type.
Definition: Catalog.h:907
std::string & GetMutableLayerType()
Gets a mutable reference to the type of data availability that this layer provides.
Definition: Catalog.h:963
void SetTtl(const boost::optional< int64_t > &value)
Sets the expiry time for data in this layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:1090
std::string & GetMutableContentType()
Gets a mutable reference to the data of the MIME type that is stored in the layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:901
const Partitioning & GetPartitioning() const
Gets the Partitioning instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:935
Coverage & GetMutableCoverage()
Gets a mutable reference to the Coverage instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:862
const Volume & GetVolume() const
Gets the Volume instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1143
std::vector< std::string > & GetMutableTags()
Gets a mutable reference to the keywords that help to find the layer on the HERE platform Portal.
Definition: Catalog.h:1020
const std::string & GetContentEncoding() const
Gets the compressed data from the layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:914
const std::vector< std::string > & GetBillingTags() const
Gets the list of billing tags that are used to group billing records.
Definition: Catalog.h:1039
std::string & GetMutableId()
Gets a mutable reference to the ID that is used to refer to this layer programmatically.
Definition: Catalog.h:757
Schema & GetMutableSchema()
Gets a mutable reference to the Schema instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:881
Volume & GetMutableVolume()
Gets a mutable reference to the Volume instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1149
void SetDigest(const std::string &value)
Sets the digest algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the partitions in this layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:1005
StreamProperties & GetMutableStreamProperties()
Gets a mutable reference to the StreamProperties instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1128
const std::string & GetId() const
Gets the ID that is used to refer to this layer programmatically.
Definition: Catalog.h:750
void SetCoverage(const Coverage &value)
Sets the Coverage instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:868
void SetContentEncoding(const std::string &value)
Sets the compressed data.
Definition: Catalog.h:926
void SetTags(const std::vector< std::string > &value)
Sets the keywords that help to find the layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:1027
const Coverage & GetCoverage() const
Gets the Coverage instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:856
void SetIndexProperties(const IndexProperties &value)
Sets the IndexProperties instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1111
std::string & GetMutableName()
Gets a mutable refrence to the layer display name.
Definition: Catalog.h:776
const std::string & GetContentType() const
Gets the data of the MIME type that is stored in the layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:894
void SetBillingTags(const std::vector< std::string > &value)
Sets the list of billing tags.
Definition: Catalog.h:1059
void SetName(const std::string &value)
Sets the layer display name.
Definition: Catalog.h:782
const Schema & GetSchema() const
Gets the Schema instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:875
const std::string & GetName() const
Gets the layer display name.
Definition: Catalog.h:770
void SetPartitioning(const Partitioning &value)
Sets the Partitioning instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:947
const std::string & GetLayerType() const
Gets the type of data availability that this layer provides.
Definition: Catalog.h:956
void SetStreamProperties(const StreamProperties &value)
Sets the StreamProperties instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1134
std::string & GetMutableDigest()
Gets a mutable reference to the digest algorithm used to calculate the checksum for the partitions in...
Definition: Catalog.h:995
const IndexProperties & GetIndexProperties() const
Gets the IndexProperties instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1097
Owner & GetMutableOwner()
Gets a mutable reference to the Owner instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:843
IndexProperties & GetMutableIndexProperties()
Gets a mutable reference to the IndexProperties instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1105
void SetOwner(const Owner &value)
Sets the Owner instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:849
void SetSchema(const Schema &value)
Sets the Schema instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:887
void SetSummary(const std::string &value)
Sets the layer summary.
Definition: Catalog.h:808
const boost::optional< int64_t > & GetTtl() const
The expiry time (in milliseconds) for data in this layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:1073
std::string & GetMutableContentEncoding()
Gets a mutable reference to the compressed data from the layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:920
void SetVolume(const Volume &value)
Sets the Volume instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:1155
std::vector< std::string > & GetMutableBillingTags()
Gets a mutable reference to the list of billing tags that are used to group billing records.
Definition: Catalog.h:1050
Catalog notifications.
Definition: Catalog.h:1161
bool & GetMutableEnabled()
Checks whether the notifications are written to the notification stream each time the catalog version...
Definition: Catalog.h:1190
void SetEnabled(const bool &value)
Sets the notifications for the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:1197
const bool & GetEnabled() const
Checks whether the notifications are written to the notification stream each time the catalog version...
Definition: Catalog.h:1181
Contains information on the catalog creator and customer organisation that is related to the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:305
const Creator & GetCreator() const
Gets the Creator instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:324
void SetCreator(const Creator &value)
Sets Creator instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:336
void SetOrganisation(const Creator &value)
Sets ID of the customer organisation.
Definition: Catalog.h:360
Creator & GetMutableOrganisation()
Gets a mutable reference to the ID of the customer organisation that is related to this catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:353
Creator & GetMutableCreator()
Gets a mutable reference to the Creator instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:330
const Creator & GetOrganisation() const
Gets the ID of the customer organisation that is related to this catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:345
A paritioning scheme of the catalog.
Definition: Catalog.h:366
std::vector< int64_t > & GetMutableTileLevels()
Gets a mutable reference to the list of the quad tree tile levels that contain data partitions.
Definition: Catalog.h:433
void SetScheme(const std::string &value)
Sets the name of the catalog partitioning scheme.
Definition: Catalog.h:413
std::string & GetMutableScheme()
Gets a mutable reference to the name of the catalog partitioning scheme.
Definition: Catalog.h:404
const std::vector< int64_t > & GetTileLevels() const
Gets the list of the quad tree tile levels that contain data partitions.
Definition: Catalog.h:423
const std::string & GetScheme() const
Gets the name of the catalog partitioning scheme.
Definition: Catalog.h:393
void SetTileLevels(const std::vector< int64_t > &value)
Sets the list of the quadtree tile levels that contain data partitions.
Definition: Catalog.h:441
Describes a HERE Resource Name (HRN) of a layer schema.
Definition: Catalog.h:449
const std::string & GetHrn() const
Gets the HRN of the layer schema.
Definition: Catalog.h:467
std::string & GetMutableHrn()
Gets a mutable reference to the HRN of the layer schema.
Definition: Catalog.h:473
void SetHrn(const std::string &value)
Sets the HRN of the layer schema.
Definition: Catalog.h:479
Properties that define the scale of the required streaming service.
Definition: Catalog.h:485
void SetDataInThroughputMbps(const int64_t &value)
Sets the maximum throughput for the incoming data.
Definition: Catalog.h:530
void SetDataOutThroughputMbps(const int64_t &value)
Sets the maximum throughput for the outgoing data.
Definition: Catalog.h:568
const int64_t & GetDataOutThroughputMbps() const
Gets the maximum throughput for the outgoing data expressed in megabytes per second.
Definition: Catalog.h:544
int64_t & GetMutableDataInThroughputMbps()
Gets a mutable reference to the maximum throughput for the incoming data.
Definition: Catalog.h:521
const int64_t & GetDataInThroughputMbps() const
Gets the maximum throughput for the incoming data expressed in megabytes per second.
Definition: Catalog.h:508
int64_t & GetMutableDataOutThroughputMbps()
Gets a mutable reference to the maximum throughput for the outgoing data.
Definition: Catalog.h:557
Describes storage details of a catalog layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:612
const std::string & GetPackageType() const
Gets the initial package type (capacity) of the layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:677
std::string & GetMutableMaxMemoryPolicy()
Gets a mutable reference to the keys eviction policy when the memory limit for the layer is reached.
Definition: Catalog.h:662
void SetMaxMemoryPolicy(const std::string &value)
Sets the keys eviction policy.
Definition: Catalog.h:668
void SetEncryption(const Encryption &value)
Sets the Encryption instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:709
const std::string & GetVolumeType() const
Gets the volume type that is used to store the layer data content.
Definition: Catalog.h:633
const Encryption & GetEncryption() const
Gets the Encryption instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:697
void SetVolumeType(const std::string &value)
Sets the volume type.
Definition: Catalog.h:647
void SetPackageType(const std::string &value)
Sets the package type (capacity) of the layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:690
const std::string & GetMaxMemoryPolicy() const
Gets the keys eviction policy when the memory limit for the layer is reached.
Definition: Catalog.h:655
std::string & GetMutablePackageType()
Gets a mutable reference to the package type (capacity) of the layer.
Definition: Catalog.h:684
Encryption & GetMutableEncryption()
Gets a mutable reference to the Encryption instance.
Definition: Catalog.h:703
std::string & GetMutableVolumeType()
Gets a mutable reference to the volume type that is used to store the layer data content.
Definition: Catalog.h:641
Rules all the other namespaces.
Definition: AppleSignInProperties.h:24